Not to mention the town started laying these drain pipes along the sides of the roads, apparently to assist with the distribution of water onto the roads. These drains are going to drain the water underground and into the sewers.
I'm not sure they are all. These photos are of my yard...which in the past has had a problem with the collection of water over top of the patio...but this water quickly dissipates when the rain stops. It took slightly longer than normal this fine day I decided to take some pictures.
Should I mention the dogs use our backyard as their potty...which is perfectly acceptable. A much better alternative to using the floors in the house. But with each suctiony step I felt I was sticking my feet in POOP WATER! eeeew, how gross! Of course the dogs really can't help that and they are by no means to blame!
I feel bad mentioning the state of the chicken run. Or should I say duck pond? Its a disaster beckoning every fly in the state of Connecticut to come forth and take up residence. A chicken run should be kept dry at all times...and a nice dusty spot helps they groom. This is not even possible~at least not in this section of the state. We've attempted to dry out the coop by throwing in mulch...but I'm afraid at this point all we have done is invite more pests as I noticed the run was full of disgusting green flies and a new little white gnatty looking thing. I have no idea what these new little bugs are!
I had mentioned a week or so ago that my hosta's were infested with aphids. Hosta's are not
typically bothered by pests, this is a very hardy plant...but with so much rain EVERYTHING IS SUFFERING.
I am an absolute fan of Mother Nature. I love her and her infinite wisdom. I appreciate the fact that its one thing that humanity has not managed to control, change, or harness for his own wealth or personal greed. There are times I get frustrated due to a rain shower ruining a picnic or snow on the wrong day, but for the most part I ride out the seasons with little complaint. After all its one of the reasons I do stick it out in the Northeastern part of the states. Because, believe me when I say, nothing makes me quite as happy as sunshine that wont quit!
But please, please, please, whoever is responsible for this rain dance I am begging you please~give us back our summer before its winter again. I need the sun to flourish and apparently, the environment is suffering much more than I would have ever imagined as well.
Rain Rain Go Away...My little chickens want to play!
Had I know it was going to be this bad, I would've settled on ducks. :o(
eew. that sure sucks. maybe you should make an in-ground swimming pool or a giant pond in your backyard. with pretty little bridges and stuff. :)