Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Greetings from a Chicken

Here is a funny story...although not nearly as funny to tell as it was to experience:
On any typical day after arriving home from work I am greeted by our two silly mut dogs! They stand stretching upwards toward the top of the gate, tongues wagging in an attempt to be the first to say "HELLO" to me!
They knock each other down and out of the way, this always makes walking up those first three steps toward the door enjoyable. You know you will always be loved if you have a dog! Even if the rest of the world should yearn to hate you~your dog will inevitably be there to give you a kiss and say I love you!
So yesterday I pull in the driveway and exit my car as usual making my way toward the side toward, the steps, and the dogs gate. I don't see the usual hopping and laughing that usually greets me which I thought odd, as I draw closer I can hear a cluck and bawk bawk. I head up the steps and over to the gate to see what's going on and who is standing there waiting for me ...Salt of course!
She is clucking along coming closer to the gate to get my attention~clearly she was hoping and praying i would have a small morsel to offer her. I was sad that I didn't have a chicken snack in my purse (but honestly how could i ever have guessed?). I said hello and entered into the house....and there I was greeted by my three sillly puppies!
Ah, its good to be home!

1 comment:

  1. damn, i'm sorry i didn't get to meet these silly clucks. the others were nice too but they didn't seem as friendly as your new ladies.
